Easy travel planning this summer

Dohop Flight Planner, a travel search engine, now allows users to filter and sort results by several parameters, making travel planning easier.

The rank is calculated for each itinerary based on its price, waiting time, overall duration, number of stops and preferred route.

Dohop.com delivers instant results from more than 660 airlines, including more than 100 low-cost airlines, and it calculates the best connections between 3,380 destinations worldwide.

Users can find connections and cheap flights on all airlines and thousands of destinations in two seconds or less. In addition, there is a re-designed user interface.

The engine is especially good at finding cheap one-way flights. Similarly, Dohop excels at finding return flights that do not require a weekend stay, saving hundreds of dollars per trip and allowing travelers to arrange their travel plans around their business schedule and family life.

Dohop also helps travelers find good flights to and from secondary airports that add more flight options to choose from.

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